Computer Classes
Courses: A range of Computer classes for all ages and abilities are available at present.
Microsoft Applications - An introduction to Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Internet and E-mail, Beginners Courses, Advanced Courses and One to One tuition.
Catering for your individual needs.
Contact us for more details and next available class.

Secretarial / Stationery
We can cater for all your secretarial and stationery needs - services include the following at very competitive rates: CV`s, Wedding stationary, Invitations, Newsletters, Typing services, Business cards, Letterheads, Posters and Flyers, and Photocopying & Laminating.
Please contact us for more information.

Room Hire
Competitive Rates on: IT room consisting of 4 computers with Windows 10 plus microsoft office 2007.
All computers are networked. Three printers are also available. Our large function room with seating accomodation and tables for up to 30 people. Our Small function room with seating accomodation for 15 people.
Available if required: Overhead projector plus large screen, Flip chart stand, White boards.